Stepping Out In Faith

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Today is the last day of 2019, how the time has flown by. Last year I wrote about 2019 being the year of transformation and change.  I thought the change in my life would be external, but the change I incurred was mainly internal.  I had to change how I viewed and looked at the things going on in my life.  I learned I had to let go of my past.  Let go of the things that hurt me and caused me pain.  I had to learn how to forgive those who did not deserve my forgiveness.  I learned that forgiving is healing for my spirit, body and soul.  Forgiveness releasing us from burdens we are not meant to carry.  Also, I am learning how to love like God loves.  Loving people who love you is easy, but loving those who hate you is hard.  If God can love me despite all my issues, then I need to try hard to love those who I see every day.

Every year we make goals, we write them down and then get to the end of the year and we have not accomplished only a few of them.  I would love to say I accomplished all my goals for 2019, unfortunately I cannot.  Thank God for giving us another year to accomplish all our dreams and aspirations.  Yes, we get another year to get it right.  Another year to get back on track.

I believe 2020 is going to be a miraculous year.  2020 is the year to step out in faith and do God’s will   It is time to stop being afraid.  Time to stop procrastinating.  It’s time to get up and move.  We will not let fear of the unknown stop us.  God has not given us a spirit of fear, but love, power and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Write down your goals and put them in places where you can see them every day.  Pray about your them and make sure they line up with the will of God for your life.  Visualize your dreams coming to fruition.  Speak about them as if they have already happened.  Believe that God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.  Praise God in advance about all that he will help you accomplish in the new year.

Happy New Year 2020


One thought on “Stepping Out In Faith

  1. Amen! I love it when God gives us a message that is for us First, then for HIs people. I pray you embrace all you have written. 2020 is going to be another year of great expectations in Jesus Name!
    Elder Steph


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